Ifi GND Defender - Neutralizador Loops de Terra
Com o Ifi GND Defender, é eliminado o ruído de 50Hz presente nas colunas de sistemas com loops de terra. Assim que deteta na corrente IEC, o loop de terra, elimina-o.
AI Ground Detection: Each unit will automatically disconnect the ground on that device
Ground Safe: Auto reinstatement of ground connection to pass current if a fault is detected
Voltage rating: 90 – 240 volts
Surge overload rating: 220A
Continuous current rating: 10A (1100W – 2400W)
Universal IEC: Hospital-grade IEC connectors
Dimensions: 68 x 37 x 32 mm / 2.7” x 1.5” x 1.3”
Weight: 61g / 2.2oz